Ump who blew call that cost Detroit pitcher his perfect game says he’s amazed by support

Ump impressed with support after blown call

Moving on: Tigers top Indians 12-6 day after blown call cost Galarraga team’s 1st perfect game

Tigers beat up Indians 12-6 day after blown call

MLB commissioner Bud Selig’s statement on call that cost Armando Galarraga a perfect game

Selig’s statement on call that cost perfect game

Selig will not reverse umpire’s blown call that cost Armando Galarraga a perfect game

Selig will not reverse umpire’s blown call

Ump Joyce wipes away tears as he takes field; MLB still deciding whether to review call

Joyce wipes away tears as he takes field

Umpire Jim Joyce wiped away tears as he took the field, a day after his blown call cost Detroit pitcher Armando Galarraga a perfect game.

GM rewards Tigers hurler Galarraga with Corvette after perfect game spoiled by blown call

Near-perfect game earns Tigers’ Galarraga Corvette

MLB still deciding whether to review umpire’s blown call that cost Galarraga a perfect game

MLB still deciding whether to review ump’s call

Jim Joyce Ruins Armando Galaragga’s Perfect Game

DETROIT ( Jim Joyce, famous as though he is in the field of baseball, and considered to be one of the best umpires the game has ever known, is not likely to add another feather to his cap after the game that was held between the Cleveland Indians and the Detroit Tigers, in Camerico Park in Detroit. In the game, Jim Joyce managed to make a wrong call that resulted in the ruining of a perfect game, that too, one that would have made the third perfect game for Armando Galaragga, in less than a month, a feat not so easily and commonly achieved.

Jim Joyce acknowledges he robbed Armando Galarraga from throwing 1st perfect game for Tigers

Jim Joyce: ‘I just cost that kid a perfect game’

Blown call! Tigers’ Galarraga loses perfect game with 2 outs in 9th on ump’s miss

Blown call costs Galarraga perfect game in 9th


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Jim joyce

  • eunicebrownlee Those go a long way. RT @jaybaer The two words BP should steal from umpire Jim Joyce.
  • WarEagleTales Is Jim Joyce working this game I'm beginning to think we may need some help. #auburn #baseball
  • tallgirl3 Opinion: More People Should Admit Mistakes, Apologize Like Jim Joyce - AOL News: via @addthis
  • blogging2020 #blog #news Soundtrack: An Entirely Sarcastic Blog Post for You, Jim Joyce (Updated) - Boston Globe (blog)
  • Holly_Moore Outstanding article! "More People Should Admit Mistakes, Apologize Like Jim Joyce" - AOL News:
  • CarrieCassidy_1 Opinion: More People Should Admit Mistakes, Apologize Like Jim Joyce - AOL News: via @addthis
  • NewsZombie (Bing News) Why MLB Can't Reverse the Jim Joyce "Perfect Game" Call - Associated Content
  • jaybaer The two words BP should steal from umpire Jim Joyce.
  • Blake_Jorgensen Good news no umps named Jim Joyce or Joe West in the #Cubs game
  • mattcottonballs Jim Joyce shoulda just said redo
  • newsrunner_com It's all Jim Joyce all the time: Cleveland Indians briefing -

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Jim joyce

  • jaybaer The two words BP should steal from umpire Jim Joyce.
  • mlbsecrets Tigers fan named Jim Joyce received at least 40 irate calls after near-perfect game
  • oevl The Lesson of Jim Joyce
  • frenzin Umpire Jim Joyce impressed with support
  • armchairtheorist It's all Jim Joyce all the time: Cleveland Indians briefing
  • buildingchickencoops Jim Joyce Blown Call
  • reddunefilms Great post: What BP can learn from Major League Baseball Umpire Jim Joyce (Joyce made critical wrong call & apologised)
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