Men’s Figure Skating Finals: Gold To USA

By shantanu, Gaea News Network
Friday, February 19, 2010

VANCOUVER, CANADA ( The men’s figure skating finals that occurred on Thursday proved those coaches and participants right who said that this year the competition is too tough and difficult to decide. The men’s figure skating short program which had Evgeni Plushenko at the top position found him on the second at the finals. He was beaten by Evan Lysacek of the US. Daisuke Takahashi of Japan who was at the third position in the men’s figure skating short program has retained the position though his performance was flawed once at the beginning with his fall from the quadruple.

At the beginning of the men’s figure skating finals Adrian Schultheiss of Sweden held the highest score performing to “Insane In The Brain”. His performance was marked by back to back jumps which were done flawlessly. Vaughn Chipeur of Canada who performed next, delivered his best but could not beat the score of the former. However, the score was taken over by Japan’s Takahiko Kozuka. The game became interesting as the night progressed with Evan Lysacek showing a brilliant performance scoring the night’s highest points 257.67. Audience cherished the performance of Stephane Lambiel who ended up being fifth.

Johnny Weir’s performance had that trademark style but failed to make any mark on the judges and the audience. The last to come on the podium was Evgeni Plushenko who performed brilliantly and started with the combination of the quadruple-triple toeloop which gained him the expected accolades. However, the defending champion failed to make it flawless as his returns from the jumps were shaky. The event brought to USA its first men’s figure skating Olympic gold in the last 22 years and deprived Russia of making history by winning the gold twice consecutively.

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