Footie star ‘gags’ tabloid story about his personal life

Sunday, August 15, 2010

LONDON - A leading Premier League footballer has succeeded in taking out a ‘gagging order’ to prevent the publication of allegations about his private life.

He has won a High Court injunction to prevent the publication of claims regarding his personal life.

The player cannot be identified for legal reasons after obtaining the ruling from Justice Nicol, reports The Telegraph.

The growing number of injunctions, often by high-profile sporting figures, has again raised the debate of freedom of speech especially in the case of British media.

There’s concern that courts are, in effect, creating a privacy law through the back door.

The debate has taken place over privacy laws since Mr Justice Eady ruled in 2008 that the News of the World breached the privacy of Max Mosley, the former Formula One boss, in its reporting of his use of prostitutes.

Mosley later admitted to eccentricity in his private life and to an interest in sadomasochistic sex.

However, he also believed that his activities with the prostitutes were legal, harmless and, above all, private.

“I think most adults would say that whatever in that spectrum somebody does, provided it doesn’t hurt anybody, provided it’s consensual, provided it’s among adults, provided it’s in private, it concerns nobody but the people doing it,” he said. (ANI)

Filed under: Sports

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