In Pa. speech, George W. Bush says private sector, not government, will lead economic comeback

By Genaro C. Armas, AP
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bush says businesses will lead economic comeback

ERIE, Pa. — The country will emerge from the recession on the backs of businesses — not the government, and the private sector will thrive as long as the United States continues to promote free-market expansion, former President George W. Bush said Wednesday night in one of his rare appearances since leaving office.

Government can act as a stabilizing force in a financial crisis, “but I know it’s the private sector that will lead this country out of the current economic times we’re in,” Bush said at a Manufacturer & Business Association dinner in Erie, in northwestern Pennsylvania.

The nation’s 43rd president has made just a handful of public appearances since he left office in January, though his hour-long speech and question-and-answer session before a friendly crowd of about 1,600 touched on familiar themes in reminiscing about his eight years in the White House.

As at other stops, Bush said he would not criticize his successor, President Barack Obama.

Bush did touch on a few hot political topics, including Obama’s plans to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Reading from questions e-mailed or submitted to the association, a moderator asked Bush whether the closure might compromise U.S. security.

“I certainly hope not. I will just tell you there are people at Gitmo who will kill Americans at the drop of a hat. … Persuasion isn’t going to work. Therapy isn’t going to change their minds,” Bush said.

Bush said he had also remarked during his presidency that he thought the detention facility should eventually be closed, and that detainees should be able to have hearings — referring to military tribunals.

“I just want to make sure that when people have a hearing … we don’t have to give away our secrets to protect you,” he said, drawing applause.

On Iran, Bush said he was troubled by its leaders’ use of the Revolutionary Guard, the country’s powerful military force, and that he was concerned about critics’ cries that the recent national election was a sham.

Bush also demurred when asked who could lead his own Republican Party in the 2012 presidential race, saying he would wait until at least after the 2010 midterm elections.

“Invite me back — I’ll give you my opinion,” he said.

Talk about the economy and the recession took up much of the evening.

The free enterprise system “will work again, which gives me great confidence if government just releases the ingenuity of the American people, if we provide incentives for people to take risk … we’ll come out of this thing better than before,” Bush said.

He was roundly applauded after giving an immediate answer to a question about how to make the manufacturing sector more vibrant. “Low regulations, no frivolous lawsuits and export markets,” he said, before also adding support for research and development tax credits.

Among those in attendance in Erie were former first lady Laura Bush and Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, a Republican and supporter of Bush’s father, former President George H.W. Bush.

A Bush spokesman declined to comment when asked how much Bush was paid for the appearance.

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