Chicago Tribune ‘Skirts’ Chris Pronger

By Naiwrita Sinha, Gaea News Network
Thursday, June 10, 2010

SAN FRANCISCO ( Yet another controversial cover page has been unveiled. This time, however, it is not some celebrity dressed in some skimpy outfit, showing skin enough to raise quite a few eyebrows. Nor it is some athlete with a very non-athlete like pose, or some similar photograph of some politician. Instead, it is an athlete in a skirt. That should not have been a problem if the athlete had been a woman. However, the athlete is a man, and a great and acclaimed one at that. The ‘Chicago Tribune’ has released its latest issue, and the cover page is graced by the picture of Chris Pronger in a skirt.

Chris Pronger had been portrayed in the cover page of the ‘Chicago Tribune’ as dressed in a complete ski uniform, jersey, helmet, the works, complete with a ski stick in his hand. The pose is also absolutely that of a skier. However, the only eye catching aspect in the whole picture comes to light if one takes a look at what he is wearing right beneath the jersey. It is a flaming orange skirt. Obviously, the picture is photoshopped, as it is hard to imagine the flyer posing for a cover page in an orange skirt.

Needless to say, the picture has raised quite a bit of controversy, considering that it is quite ignominious. On the other hand, the flyer himself is pretty cool about the debacle in the ‘Chicago Tribune’. He said, when asked about his reaction to the picture, that he has no time at all for things as unimportant as a picture being released that shows him in a degrading light. He said that he has more important things on his mind like playing the game than spending time brooding about the picture.

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