Adam Dunn To Join Chicago White Sox
By Naiwrita Sinha, Gaea News NetworkFriday, December 3, 2010

CHICAGO ( The Washington Nationals have lost their best slugger. Yes, this is the latest buzz stirring the baseball circle after Adam Dunn decided to move on with the Chicago White Sox. the noted player will be soon shifting camps, moving on to the Chicago White Sox after the later team agreed to hire him for a $56 million contract over a period of four years. Adam Dunn had earlier expressed his desire to be with the Washington Nationals while he would be drawing a line to his career, but he had to change his decision supposedly after the Washington Nationals failed to recognize his desires.
The news that Adam Dunn would play for Chicago White Sox came up on Thursday. According to sources, Adam Dunn’s agents and the Chicago White Sox officials had gone through a rough estimate of the deal in the late hours of Wednesday night and then afterwards on Thursday afternoon, the deal assumed the shape of a confirmation. Rumors are abuzz that the deal will be legally finalized on Friday after Adam Dunn reaches the Chicago White Sox quarters.
Ryan Zimmerman, the third baseman of the Washington Nationals and the face of their franchise told the media that he was undoubtedly sad to lose Adam Dunn, who is one of the most popular players both with the fans and with his team. However, Ryan Zimmerman expressed happiness at the same time for he sternly believes that Adam Dunn is getting what he deserves. Some time back both Adam Dunn and the Washington Nationals player had expressed a desire for a contract extension but the case remained pending following which the baseball star decided to move on.
Tags: Adam dunn, Chicago, Chicago white sox, Illinois, United States, Washington nationals